Comments on: Thriving in Tough Times Part 4 You bet you do. You were created for a unique and eternal purpose. Wed, 08 Jul 2009 14:15:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mary Sue Mon, 13 Apr 2009 16:35:02 +0000 Today’s letter on success certainly helped set my priorities on the right path. Richard, my husband, has been reading your letters to me weekly but I decided to get on your list also. I’m 73 now. When I was in my late 30’s I discovered Melodyland Christian Center and attended their Thursday morning prayer meetings for nearly a year. It’s where I first heard of the Holy Spirit and heard people speaking in other tongues. Your dad was on the staff then. I’m sure he prayed for me during those hard years. I loved his gentle way of ministry.

Thank you for brightening my day. I’ve been out taking care of the Master’s weeds this morning. I sure want to hear well done when I get home.

I will be getting a love gift in the mail for your ministry.

Mary Sue
