Comments on: Success is a Tricky Business You bet you do. You were created for a unique and eternal purpose. Mon, 13 Apr 2009 16:37:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roger Mon, 13 Apr 2009 16:37:56 +0000 Thank you so much for opening your heart. Seems that only when we knowingly reach our limitations are we in a position to hopefully take advantage of what God is extending to us. This humility can in reality become pliability. Thus, we find ourselves truly living by faith through faith in Him. The product then becomes His will not ours. Only God knows how many times I have arrived at that point only to do an about face and flee but, thanks be to Him when I occasionally come to my senses and return because I discover He is right when I saw Him last!
You have done an outstanding job with this letter! Keep up the Good work.
Thanks be to God for guiding you to deliver this to my home on my birthday.


By: Elaine Mon, 13 Apr 2009 16:19:58 +0000 Dear Steve,

I “sort of” had a meltdown about this topic last week. I do believe that achievers struggle with this on a daily basis. What more could I be doing for the Kingdom? How can my life serve Him more?

How can I really love my neighbor as myself when I sometimes do not like my neighbor?

But, it is amazing how you regularly seem to respond to my own struggles when you send out your words of encouragement and enlightenment. The hand of God is truly upon you, dear friend. I thank God for your ministry regularly.

The book by David Pawson is excellent. My husband was really liking the part about the chart regarding the Kings of Israel/Judah. Sometimes that is really difficult to segregate in our thinking. We are enjoying this book on a daily basis. It is a must have reference for everyone’s home.

God bless you,
