Comments on: How Big is Your Neighborhood? You bet you do. You were created for a unique and eternal purpose. Tue, 01 Jun 2010 13:29:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Tue, 01 Jun 2010 13:29:22 +0000 Be careful or you may be considered a bit radical-thank you for being radical! Again, you hit the mark of truth and timing. Over the last year or two, your posts have been the biggest source of encouragement, truth, and inspiration to me. Thank you! This one is no different. A very close relative and I were eating at a restaurant recently, when all of the sudden the table next to us filled up with a Middle Eastern family. My very close relative who claims to be a “chrisitan” became instantly indignant and angry over this family. She was completely insulted that they have the freedom to work, live and play in our country knowing that they hate Americans and have a master plan to kill us all. The entire meal was a disaster as my close relative complained and stewed the entire time, ruining our fellowship and not to mention the dining scene which was sitting on a cliff over looking a beautiful lake. Meanwhile, the Middle Eastern family seemed to enjoy their dining experience. Whether my relative’s political view is true or not was not so much my concern. My concern was and is how she treated them being a “Christian” and all. At one point, the mother of the ME family was feeding her child and my relative said, “look, she’s feeding him and creating another monster” Can I just say how embarrassed and ashamed I was of my relative who is a “Chrisitan”. My point, which I later made, was that the political view may be true, but as a Christian, we have to view people differently and demonstrate such. That ME family was created in the image of God and God loves them just as much as He does me and my close relative. Also, the ME family may, just may be born again…who knows? And if they’re not, aren’t we suppose to witness to them about salvation? I don’t know, I just didn’t feel the love of Jesus at the whole scene. Pride…I think it would be fair to say that. Thank you again for writing…can’t wait for next week’s post.
