Comments on: Groundhog Day You bet you do. You were created for a unique and eternal purpose. Fri, 07 Aug 2009 20:02:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bill Henning Fri, 07 Aug 2009 20:02:05 +0000 Hi Steve,
When I began your article I thought you had tripped over a study that I had just finished two months ago. Although your article isn’t finished I’m sending my finished booklet to you.
I began my study two or three years ago trying to identify the extent of the things Jesus gave man victory over. I knew that He redeemed us and gave us victory over sin, but was that all I could expect to receive. No, along with sin, He also gave us victory over eternal death. Then my study revealed a final victory–a victory over Satan, accomplished by His resurrection from the dead.
I find that many Christians, after being born again, do not feel victorious and are still troubled with their sin. One of the reasons is because they have not completely surrendered their lives to Him; they hold things back and are unwilling to surrender all of them completely to Him. At this point, Christians must re-surrender themselves again, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal those deep-down unsurrendered items in order to gain total peace and victory over them. These items may be mental, spiritual or physical and if they ask, I know the Spirit will tell them what they are. Everything that is a hindrance must be surrendered and dealt with including anger, hatred, lust, envy, adultery etc.
Once they are surrendered, then by faith believing that they are now victorious, standing on His Word confessing it to be so. These are the things that separate us from the love of God and confessing them will draw us closer to a oneness with Him.

Space here won’t permit the rest of the study and you can read is when it arrives. If you want to study beforehand, read Jesus words in Mark 7:17-23 and Paul’s words in Galatians 5:16-26. They should prepare the groundwork as to where I am going with my study.

Let me know your feelings as to the “far out” lesson that the Spirit led me to. I have not found any studies by anyone arriving at my conclusion and like I write in the book, I have experienced every one of them.

God Bless, Bill
