Comments on: One Mustard Seed You bet you do. You were created for a unique and eternal purpose. Wed, 28 Apr 2010 15:33:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wes Smith Wed, 28 Apr 2010 15:33:29 +0000 Dear Steve,

This was one of your best articles. Maybe I like it so much because I bike, too, and my bike has been waiting in my basement for me all winter. As soon as I get my strength back from my Haiti illness I plan to jump on again. Six weeks ago I could barely walk across the room, and now I’m up to two miles a day . . . walking.

Keep up the good work.

L&P, Wes

By: Carol Mon, 26 Apr 2010 17:26:54 +0000 Excellent, excellent and thoughtful. As usual. I find that my outlook regarding lawyers and suing have become jaded. I find myself saying sometimes, “Now THAT’S a reason to sue…”
This was an excellent reminder for me to apply Godly principles, even when we are trespassed against, and that’s a hard thing to do. Forgive and let it all go too?? Tall order – but one we all should strive for. Well done!!

By: Dave S Mon, 26 Apr 2010 13:16:28 +0000 Dear Steve; I use google e-mail currently. It always runs a line ad on top of my inbox. Google in their nearly infinite computing, cross-referencing and consumer consuming power ran a line ad that they felt might appeal to me as I read your latest TPP weekly blog. It read, “Find a bicycle accident attourney in your area.”
Laughable, sure; scary, uh huh; sad, very.
I’m reminded of what the forest ranger in Arizona said after their catastrophic string of fire seasons., “When you let too much undergrowth spread uncut it provides the fuel for a firestorm. Add to that the proliferation of bugs that burrow into the trees and destroy their natural defenses and you provide the conditions for a holocaust. All it takes is onelightening strike.”
Our society/civilization certainly mirrors this depiction. It is almost overwheming to consider the “Eve of Destruction” scope. However I can tend my own small neck of the woods. Today I’ll exterminate a few bugs, starting with G-mail. Please send your newsletter to my new e-mail address. Thanks Steve.
Dave S.
