Comments on: I’ve Got Voices in My Head You bet you do. You were created for a unique and eternal purpose. Wed, 08 Jul 2009 15:35:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: admin Sun, 28 Sep 2008 22:50:45 +0000 This guy “unsubscribed”. He was kinda ticked when I suggested something may be going on in his head. He sounds like a pretty ‘educated’ guy; I guess some folks know enough not to want to listen any more. I won’t share his name. Pray for him and folks like him. And don’t ever shut your mind or your heart, to His voice. (I Kings 19:11 – 13)

“Freud? Even the mention of this philisophical, “evidence of science falsely so called” Pagan, Steve, is enough to make me want to puke! Wrong way to start me on believing that you have the slightest notion of having my best interests in mind, spiritually speaking.

I am of the Old School, KJV Only Group. I am more than just a little educated and have read my bible from cover to cover MANY times. I do not think that it is wise or “convenient” to discuss “the voices” in anyone’s head.

There is a “still small voice,” to Whom I listen. There are no other “voices” other than those from “the evil one.”

There are enough New-agy (sic) newsletters “out there” for me to dodge. I doubt that Spillman, Sr. would have had me listening to anyone’s voice other than that identified immediately above this paragraph.

Admittedly, I did not finish reading the article. Quite abruptly, The Blessed Spirit of God advised me otherwise and literally “told me,” that I did not “need” to read further.
I experienced TOO MANY semester hours from “philosophers” that did not “KNOW” God. It took me YEARS to flush those nuanced “psychopaths” from my psyche. Hence, the mere mention of one of the worst, left me wondering about your true intentions, and possibly about your “motivations.”

If this is to be the tenor of ANY of your newsletters, I don’t need them.”

By: admin Sun, 28 Sep 2008 22:12:52 +0000 Another good one. Looking forward to next week!

Thank you,

