Comments on: Doing Church 24/7 You bet you do. You were created for a unique and eternal purpose. Wed, 08 Jul 2009 16:01:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robin Wed, 08 Jul 2009 16:01:56 +0000 Hi Steve, EXCELLENT ARTICLE ABOUT IHOP!!!! I have several of Mike Bickle’s teachings and they are biblically sound. He really stresses the love of the Father and intimacy with Him. You have to be a “real con” to operate a ministry based on prayer and worship 24/7 and not be sincere. That’s where the rubber meets the road!!! The church is in desperate need of a revelation of what TRUE, SINCERE, GODLY, BIBLICAL LOVE IS!!! I believe that’s one of the greatest missing links in churches. As Mike Bickle says, “God is after your heart!!!!” It’s not about serving, tithes, offering, IT’S ALL ABOUT LOVE!! I just listened to two of his recent teachings on David. If you get a chance, listen to them. THEY ARE AWESOME!!!! Thanks for the article. Peace and blessings.

By: admin Sun, 28 Sep 2008 22:09:35 +0000 Well, I kept my promise. I read the Bob DeWaay’s article slamming Mike Bickle and IHOP. DeWaay’ s website is named “critical issues.” Pretty good name; he’s critical about everything.

As best I can tell, Dewaay’s most legitimate gripe is that Bickle encourages Christians to become intimate with God. Go figure. Most of the other stuff DeWaay brings up has to do with other ministries Bickle was associted with in the past. I checked IHOP’s site and Bickle pretty much lays out what they do and don’t profess to believe ( ). DeWaay should probably check that out.

Regarding this issue about the bride of Christ and the wedding feast, I’ve got two great resources for you.

1) Matthew 22:1 – 14. It’s parable about a wedding feast. Much to his own surprise, one of the attendees who was invited got tossed out because he didn’t come prepared. “For many are invited but few are chosen.”

2) David Pawson’s book “The God and the Gospel of Righteousness.” A great book about how our God, full of grace, still demands righteousness. You can get it at

By: Steve S. Tue, 09 Sep 2008 13:17:56 +0000 This is an e-mail response I received from reader ‘Glenn’. He’s been kind enough to let me post his comment on the blog. I’ve read the DeWaay commentary he mentions and I’ll give my thoughts before too long.
Thanks Glenn for your comments:

Dear Steve,
Re “Doing Church 24/7,” there is much to be said for Mike Bickle’s concept of IHOP 24/7. Even to staff such a thing 24/7 is no mean task. Also, I have no doubt that Bickle is sincere in his intent and his efforts. IHOP was unknown to me prior to your assessment, except for Critical Issues Commentary which I receive from Bob DeWaay, pastor of Twin City Fellowship in St. Paul, MN. I read the latest issue that just arrived, so I perked up when I saw your thoughts re IHOP online today.

I don’t want to throw cold water on your assessment, but I do think DeWaay has some thoughts you might want to consider. You can read his thoughts on his CIC website: I’m of the opinion that he has legitimate concerns relating to how Bickle uses the Word of God. We who hold to the per-tribulation rapture of the church have a lot of questions for those in the eschatological camp with Mike Bickle. I don’t want to diminish the import of our Christian duty prior to His return, but Christ knows what poor stuff we’re made of and is not expecting Christians to clean up this old world before He can return. Also, and not surprisingly, Bickle seems to dismiss the importance to God of modern-day Israel when God inspired Isaiah and Ezekiel to prophesy eloquently of today’s return of the Jews. Read DeWaay and see what you think.

I know you’re a busy guy, so you may not have time to respond to this email, but if you can, I’d appreciate hearing your thoughts.

Blessings on you, Steve!
